Agile Management - Authority & Delegation View more presentations from Jurgen Appelo.
In their book Behind Closed Doors Johanna Rothman and Esther Derby published a handy checklist that you can use for delegation of tasks. I have taken the liberty to augment their list with a few questions of my own.
Feel free to use this list whenever you delegate work to someone else.
(Oh, and do read Johanna's and Esther's book!)
Every time you delegate work to other people, you should be able to answer “Yes” (or "N/A") to every question. If you have to answer “No” to any of the questions, and you still need to delegate the work, then openly discuss your dilemma, and agree on a compromise. Maybe the right tools have not arrived yet, or the deadline is unknown, or you still have to solve the coaching issue. As long as you talk openly about it, both you and the people you’re delegating the work to can agree on intentions, and commit to solutions and results. Even when circumstances are sometimes less than ideal.
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