Agile Management - Authority & Delegation View more presentations from Jurgen Appelo.
Empowerment is often incorrectly perceived as a binary choice. Either you empower someone, or you don’t. In reality, your options are more varied than that. We can distinguish between different levels of authority.
“Empowerment is a continuous variable; people can be viewed as more or less empowered, rather than empowered or not empowered.” – G.M. Spreitzer
In your very first driving lesson your driving instructor may have given you the steering wheel, but I’m sure he told you exactly when to go left and when to go right. But after a number of lessons, when you had gained some experience, he might have said “Let’s drive to the shopping center, where you almost rammed a phone booth last week,” and it would have been your job to find a way to get there. And with a really experienced driver, the instructor might have said “Why don't you drive around a bit? Mind if I take a nap?”
For each individual activity we can distinguish seven levels of authority (modified from Susan M. Heathfield):
You can vary these levels of authority, depending on the topic. For example:
Every topic requires its own level of authority, and the further you go the better it is. But in some cases, it is best to start by telling or selling, and then gradually increase the authority of team members as their experience grows.
"The best way to empower team members is gradually and systematically. […] Responsibilities for self-management and decision making should be turned over to employees on an as-ready basis."
– S. Caudron
It will probably take our team some time before they're able to completely refactor my business models into something I cannot recognize, as they did with my code. But if they do, and the results are again better then mine, you won't hear me complaining. I would be the manager of an extremely powerful team.
(image by kevindooley)
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