Unit Test This Email Form!

This is so funny, I just have to share it with you…

I tried to contact the folks at Agile Journal magazine today. The Contact Us link in the menu brought me to a form on their site, which I filled out and submitted. Within a minute I received this email…

Due to the overwhelming amount of spam received at this email address we can no longer accept email directly. If you wish to send a message to CM Crossroads please use our contact us page http://www.cmcrossroads.com/contactus and enter your message there. Your message will be directed to us and we will reply as soon as possible.

Sorry for the inconvenience
The CM Crossroads Team

The link in this email message brought me to another form on the CM Crossroads web site, which is the company behind the magazine. Again, I filled out this form and submitted it. Within a minute I received this email…

Carlos Marquez is no longer an employee of CMC Media. Your message has been forwarded to someone else at CMC Media who has taken over his responsibilities. For more information please feel free to contact us at 805-683-1200. Thanks.
The CMC Media Team

It seems that the systems of CMC Media are unable to keep up with the changes at this very agile company. I pity the developers who need to write unit tests for email forms…

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