Interview with Esko Kilpi

As part of my global book tour I hope to have fascinating conversations with management & leadership experts around the world. One of them is Esko Kilpi, a researcher and consultant in Finland who has a focus on the “arts and sciences of complex interaction”. With Esko I talked about management & complexity. Underneath the video you can find some notes we took–with thanks to Elinor!

Update: I will be in Finland on May 28! You can still join me.

  • Creativity is how to deal with uncertainty.
  • The Internet is the basis to all new approaches to value creation.
  • We still think that the unit of work is the individual. The basic unit of work is interaction.
  • You cannot measure the performance of one team against another.
  • See the manager as the product owner who makes agreements with the team.
  • You are more than just the features that you’re building for this particular sprint.
  • What is your purpose? What is your identity? Your manager should help you build that shared vision.
  • The work is emergent from the collaboration.
  • Work is doing meaningful things with meaningful people in meaningful ways.
  • For more creative work, engagement is the engine that creates value.
  • How do I change the organization’s culture? Better question: how do I change people’s mindsets? People, not organizations.
  • The culture of an organization is an emergent property of the ways people interact.
  • You cannot intervene in culture directly. You don’t first create the organization and then you work… It’s an ongoing process of organizing.
  • Organization is not the structure; it’s the process.
  • Organization should be much more fluid in the way we approach value creation.
  • Exploration versus exploitation.
  • Shouldn’t we just help organizations die more quickly and start new ones?
  • Creative destruction can be a force for engagement.
  • We are going to see much more dynamism in the sense of what constitutes organizations.
  • The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed.
  • As you make decisions, you never have a complete picture.
  • Uncertainty is the most important part of decision-making.
  • When in unknown terrain, take small steps and bet on multiple horses.
  • Make your decisions reversible.
  • Every step changes the fitness landscape.

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