
Optimize the Whole = Measure at All Levels

We know that measuring (and awarding) the wrong things in a system leads to nasty side-effects. And we know that self-organization allows...

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10 Questions to Ask Your New Manager

When I interview people for a job position, I always ask them if they have any questions for me. But they rarely have. Some candidates ev...

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7 Approaches to Competence Development

While preparing for various speaking engagements, I once contacted a person who specialized in representing professional speakers. I sent...

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The Status of My Book (video)

I've tried to record a video. Let me know if you want to see me doing more of this kind of stuff. Or if you think I should just stick...

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No Maturity Models, But Individual Competence

There are dozens of maturity models in the world of software development and in other business environments. But I find the concept of ma...

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Fix the Small Problems First

My home desk is a mess. When I look around me I see books, magazines, invoices, glasses, a hideous little white Christmas tree from three...

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I Can Still Use a Few Book Reviewers

Update March 18th: Since this blog post I have added no less than 34 new reviewers. I think that must be enough for now. I don't want...

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Some Day Kanban Will Fail 75% of the Time

Yesterday I had a bit of an argument on Twitter about differences between Scrum and Kanban. Personally I don't care which is better t...

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The Dolt’s Guide to Self-Organization (Presentation)

Here it is: my latest presentation. Five days of work, 38 drawings, 14 photos, 81 slides, and plenty of texts, to be delivered for the fi...

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Doing What Matters, No Matter What

I know you're busy. We all are. But no matter how busy you are, you still find the time to brush your teeth. No matter how full your ...

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New Site for Agile Managers and Team Leaders

Together with several other people I have been busy preparing a re-launch of Management 3.0. It is a site for (and by) agile managers and...

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