
Less Is More: Swimming in Sweden (guest post)

This is a guest post by Edwin van Dijk. Edwin is a master of science in Building technology, studied business administration and has soft...

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Traits That Make A Good Development Manager (guest post)

This guest post is by Alan Skorkin, a software developer from Melbourne, Australia. He shares his ideas about software development, softw...

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Blog Post #300 (Almost)

I’m taking a two-week break. When I’m camping in Sweden and Lapland, after fighting with an elk over the possession of my trunks, I w...

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Agile Groups

Recently I noticed that I had missed an important announcement that had been posted to one or two groups on various social networks. Not ...

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Commit to Sprint Planning or Definition of Done, Not Both

I'm having trouble with people's use of the term commitment. In Scrum and other agile processes, the term commitment-based sprint...

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Planning for Feature-Complete Deadlines

Next week I will be on vacation in Sweden. I am really looking forward to that. If the northern part of Sweden allows it, you can expect ...

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Finally, 40

The world celebrates that, on this day exactly 40 years ago, man made first contact with the moon. I am celebrating that, on this day exa...

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The Fourth NOOP.NL Rerun…

So, what do you do when you're a prolific blogger, and you're faced with no backlog of articles, too little time to write a new p...

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About Project Success and Failure

Last week I got a number of interesting questions from Vassili Kurman, who is researching project success and failure. Vassili agreed tha...

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The Three Types of Change

Last week I moaned about power laws, and how they make our lives miserable. The realization that power laws are disturbing our work gave ...

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Bootstrapping Our Social Media Business

Some people have been wondering why I have been tweeting about coding practices these last few weeks, while my blog is about managing sof...

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Your Project Will Suffer From Power Laws

You have this great new project. With groovy new technologies, a fine bunch of developers, and a preliminary set of requirements that loo...

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