Around the World in 80 Days and Then Some

Here's just a quick note to let you know that I will be doing some talks on a couple of international conferences, and I would love to meet you there.

And if there's any other place you want me to show myself (or if you want me to stay away from some place) then please let me know. If it's not too far away (and not too expensive for me) I might be persuaded… 🙂

Open Agile Romania (Bucharest – May 22-23) (confirmed!)

Agile 2009 (Chicago – August 24-28) (confirmed!)

Agile Eastern Europe (Kiev – September 18-20) (confirmed!)

Lean Kanban Conference (London – September 21-22) (considering)

Software Development Best Practices (Boston – September 21-24) (considering)

Agile Testing Days (Berlin – October 12-14) (considering)

Agile Business Conference (London – October 13-14) (considering)

Blog World Expo (Las Vegas – October 15-16) (considering)

In the meantime, here's a video of me doing a talk that I did last month at Skill's Matter in London. The quality of the video is not that great, I'm afraid. But it gives you some idea of what I do:


And if you want to know where I am, just link with me on TripIt.

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