
Try an Alternative Solution, Just for Once

When you're reading this I am on my way. I have timed the appearance of this post to coincide with my 12-hour car trip to Slovenia, a...

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Fooling Myself with False Velocity

I’m an idiot, I have fooled myself. I’m usually quite good at fooling others, but this time I have fooled myself. And I did i...

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Powerful Questions

The Perfect Job Interview Question

A Perfect Job Interview Question is one single question that leads to a perfect assessment of a candidate for a job. I think I have found...

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Thank You, Stupid Americans

This is a copy of my earlier post I wrote for Max Pool at I’m including it here for completeness. It turned out th...

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Why Managing Small Projects is Harder

Some people think that managing small projects is easier than managing big projects. They are right, unless the economies of scale requir...

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Edward Lorenz (1917 – 2008)

Edward Lorenz has died on the 16th of April. Many of you probably don’t know whom I’m talking about, so I will explain. Loren...

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Scope, Resources and Processes: Change Everything!

As an agile writer, I like to write articles in multiple iterations. Feedback from readers is essential to me. There’s no such thin...

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Seven Little Moments of Ecstasy

I enjoy seven little moments of ecstasy for every book that I purchase. Let me tell you about them. The first little moment of ecstasy is...

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A Product Is Successful Until It Fails

When is a software product successful? We all know industry reports (particularly the infamous CHAOS report of the Standish Group) are al...

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Getting Square with the Iron Triangle

Here’s a little quiz for those who aspire to be a project manager. (Probably 95% of my readers will stop reading here right now. Bu...

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Project Success is NOT Stakeholder Satisfaction

A number of people, including some at the Project Management Institute, think that project success is defined as the achievement of stake...

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Specialization is Good

I think specialization is good, and cross-functional teams are not. Here’s why… Suppose you are the publisher of a magazine a...

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