The Best Free Online Translator

I hate translating texts. I have written some articles in Dutch and now I want them translated to English, but oh what I pain that is. The online translators can help me only halfway. The rest (correcting the automatic translations and polishing the results) I have to do myself. I am actually trying to find excuses to do something useful without having to work on these translations. One useful job I invented was to find out what the best free online translator is. Obviously, this would help me reduce the amount of awful work I have to do afterwards. I googled for the most popular translators and discarded those that were a pain to use. I then performed my test on the remaining translators with just one paragraph of text. Here are my biased results…

Original text
Wanneer softwaresystemen veranderen over tijd wordt de complexiteit meestal groter. Dit betekent dat de noodzaak tot afbakening (het partitioneren in subsystemen) ook toeneemt. Uiteindelijk is er altijd sprake van het programmeren met interfaces en scheiding van verantwoordelijkheden. Information hiding moet ergens een plek krijgen, niet alleen (per definitie) aan de rand van een project maar vaak ook (op eigen initiatief) binnen het project. Als het systeem zodanig groeit dat er veel ontwikkelaars bij betrokken raken, moeten we op een gegeven moment altijd kiezen voor opsplitsing in subsystemen.

AltaVista Babel Fish
When software systems change over time become complexity generally larger. This means that the need increases to demarcation (the partitioneren in subsystems) also. Eventually there is always talk of programming with interfaces and separation of responsibilities. Information hiding must get somewhere a spot, not only (by definition) to the edge of a project but frequently also (on one’s own initiative) within the project. If the system grows as such that there many developers involved in touch, we let us must choose at a given moment always for opsplitsing in subsystems.

Google Translate
When software change over time is usually greater complexity. This means that the need to define (the partition in subsystems) also increases. Ultimately, we are dealing with programming interfaces and separation of responsibilities. Information must be hiding somewhere a place, not only (by definition) to the edge of a project but often (on its own initiative) within the project. If the system grows so that there are many developers involved, we need at a given moment always choose to split into subsystems.
When software systems change time from now becomes the complexity mostly larger.  This means increases that the necessity till delineation (the partitioneren in subsystemen) also.  Finally there is always talk of the programming with interfaces and separation of responsibilities.  Information hiding must get somewhere a spot, not only (per definition) at the edge of a project only often also (on own initiative) within the project.  If the system in such a way grows that it many developers by concerned hit, must we on a given moment always choose for opsplitsing in subsystemen. Translator
When software systems change over time become complexity generally larger. This means that the need increases to demarcation (the partitioneren in subsystems) also. Eventually there is always talk of programming with interfaces and separation of responsibilities. Information hiding must get somewhere a spot, not only (by definition) to the edge of a project but frequently also (on one’s own initiative) within the project. If the system grows as such that there many developers involved in touch, we let us must choose at a given moment always for opsplitsing in subsystems.

My test was actually bigger than this but I won’t bother you with that. After checking the results of these four translators my choice is to continue working with Google Translate. But first I will find myself some other useful job.

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