People & Motivation (25)

The 12 Best Questions for Team Members

In their book First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman presen...

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The Rate-Your-Manager Test!

Here's a test that everyone has been waiting for (without really knowing it). This Rate-Your-Manager Test will tell you how good your...

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And the Winner Is…

Yes I know, I know! It took me way too long to announce the winner for the $100 Book Contest. Sorry about that, folks. I was being distra...

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To Motivate or Not to Demotivate

Some people tell me that "you cannot motivate a person". You can only "remove the impediments that prevent a person from b...

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The $100 Software Development Books Contest

Here's just a quick note to let you know that I've picked a jury to decide on the winner in the $100 Software Development Books C...

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To Motivate People… Balance Your Practices

There are many ways to motivate (and demotivate) people. As a development manager, project manager or ScrumMaster, it might help to use a...

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Win $100 Worth of Software Development Books!

Attention, dear readers… This is your chance to win $100 worth of software development books!!! Here's how… As an Amazon....

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The 1st Law of Software Development

There are at least three reasons why people are the most important part of any software project. And this leads to (what I would like to ...

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The (Secret) Agents in Software Projects

I've argued many times that software projects are complex adaptive systems. This view is shared by Ken Schwaber, Jim Highsmith and ma...

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People over Process: a Universal Law

Despite the progress we made in software engineering in the last two decades, some people still believe that processes can be more import...

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Creativity as the Root of Software Development

There is no single, authoritative perspective or definition of creativity. At least 60 different definitions of creativity can be found i...

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A Tasty Team Building Exercise

Jurgen! How would you encourage team building? A good team building exercise which (at least to me) is preferable over helicopter droppin...

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