Some Interesting Articles

It’s still vacation time, and I’m allowing myself some blog posts of a kind different from the usual fare.

The people who follow me on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+ may have noticed that I don’t post many links to articles anymore. That’s because I moved all that to another place. You can now find links to interesting articles on the Management 3.0 Facebook page, Google+ page, LinkedIn group, and Management 3.0 Twitter account.

For example, these are articles I promoted last week:

Why Your Company Should Celebrate More (FastCompany)

Going Boss-free: Utopia or 'Lord of the Flies'? (Knowledge@Wharton)

Why Organizational Health Matters (The Build Network)

Your Culture: What Does Your Organization Reward? (Johanna Rothman)

Identity is more than just shared purpose (Jason Yip)

Employees Doing Personal Chores at Work? Let Them! (Inc.)

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(photo by: Danny Hope)

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