Should hospital directors be coaching doctors and nurses? Should movie producers be coaching actors and animators? Should Rupert Murdoch ...
My new little book How to Change the World is being translated into Japanese and French, and a Chinese version is expected too. But I wan...
I just finished reading The Five Dysfunctions of a Team and I didn’t like it. Yes, the message about team formation was quite good, and...
In 1990 a big photo by an artist named Ken Lum was placed in Witte de With, a street in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The title of the work...
Is it a method? Is it a framework? No, it’s… what actually? In two previous posts I claimed that Management 1.0 is doing the wrong th...
I’ve been complaining about management 1.0, a style of management that we still see all around us. It assumes that an organization can ...
Some people told me that the advice I give in my courses is simply common sense management. I agree. Unfortunately, common sense managers...