
The Schizophrenia of Scrum

I sometimes get the feeling that there are two versions of Scrum. The first version is the one that says that “Scrum is not a methodolo...

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The Zen of Scrum (video)

This is a video of the talk that I did in Cluj, Romania. It was organized by the Transylvania Java User Group and ISDC. The Zen of Scrum ...

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It’s Only Communication When There’s Verification

One-way messages don’t count as “communication.” The traditional way of thinking of communication as “the transmission of informa...

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Standards: Grow Them, Don’t Make Them

Every time I’m in the United States I waste time on physical and mental conversions of standards. I convert all transactions from dolla...

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The Big-Ass View on Competency (NDC2010, Oslo, Norway) This video is provided courtesy of my friends at Programutvikling AS, the org...

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OK, Let’s Talk About Certification

Like many agile software development evangelists I am somewhat skeptical toward people taking pride in their certificates. In my experien...

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A Great Series of Books

As some of you know, the book that I’m writing will be published in Mike Cohn’s Signature Series, by Addison-Wesley/Pearson. (Current...

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In Praise of Multi-Tasking

I have a blog. And I am writing a book. And I am leading a business. And I speak at conferences. And I support an election campaign. And ...

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Managing vs. Coaching vs. Mentoring

In many organizations people are used to the idea that functional managers are responsible for assisting people with their personal devel...

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Norine Wolf-Boucke (1924-2010)

Aunt Norine loved to be among people. She loved her family, and she loved getting attention. There is now little left for us to do,...

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Top 150 Management & Leadership Blogs

I thought it was time for a new top list on this blog.

The readers of this blog know that I did this several times before, with th...

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When You Are Rejected

When you're applying for a job, and you get rejected because the employer has strong selection criteria, will you then complain about...

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