Top 150 Management & Leadership Blogs

I thought it was time for a new top list on this blog.

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The readers of this blog know that I did this several times before, with the Top 200 Blogs for Developers, the Social Media Blogs Top 200, the Top 100 Best Books for Managers, Leaders & Humans, and many more…

This time I wanted a list of the best management and leadership blogs in the world. And after a few weeks of browsing I had collected more than 150 blogs fitting the category.

For each of these blogs I retrieved their Google Page Rank, Bing hit count, Alexa Ranking, Technorati Authority, Twitter Grader, PostRank and FeedBurner count. (Note: not all statistics were available for each blog, in which cases they simply scored ‘neutral’.)

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Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders

Anyways, here is the complete list of 150 management and leadership blogs. I was happy to see that my own blog didn’t perform too badly. 🙂 But I’m sure I missed some (more) important blogs. Feel free to let me know and add them in the comments section!

TT Site Author Twitter
1 The Blog of Tim Ferriss Tim Ferris tferriss
2 Leading With Purpose Michael Hyatt michaelhyatt
3 Anthony Robbins Training Blog Anthony Robbins tonyrobbins
4 How to Change the World Guy Kawasaki guykawasaki
5 Daniel Pink Daniel H. Pink DanielPink
6 Management IQ – Business Week (various)
7 GTD Times (various) gtdguy
8 Life Beyond Code Blog Rajesh Setty UpbeatNow
9 Dispatches from the New World of Work Tom Peters tom_peters
10 Three Star Leadership Blog Wally Bock wallybock
11 The Business Blog at Dave Taylor DaveTaylor
12 800 CEO Read Daily Blog (various)
13 Leading Blog Michael McKinney leadershipnow
14 Great Leadership Dan McCarthy greatleadership
15 Grant McCracken Grant McCracken grant27
16 NOOP.NL Jurgen Appelo jurgenappelo
17 Ramblings from a Glass Half Full Terry Starbucker starbucker
18 Ask a Manager Alison Green askamanager
19 John Maxwell on Leadership John Maxwell johncmaxwell
20 Donald Trump Blog (various) TrumpUniversity
21 Leadership Team Orrin Woodward Orrin_Woodward
22 Robin Sharma Blog Robin Sharma _robin_sharma
23 N2Growth Mike Myatt mikemyatt
24 Sanders Says Tim Sanders sanderssays
25 Chief Happiness Officer Alexander Krejulf alexkjerulf
26 Execupundit Michael Wade Execupundit
27 Work Matters Bob Sutton work_matters
28 Life Optimizer Donald Latumahina lifeoptimizer
29 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Rosabeth Moss Kanter Rosabethkanter
30 Trust Matters Charles Green CharlesHGreen
31 The Bing Blog Stanley Bing thebingblog
32 All Things Workplace Steve Roesler steveroesler
33 Positive Organizational Behavior Bret L. Simmons drbret
34 WeeklyLeader (various) weeklyleader
35 Management Craft Lisa Haneberg Lisahaneberg
36 The Practice of Leadership George Ambler georgeambler
37 The Wayne Dyer Blog Wayne W. Dyer DrWayneWDyer
38 Brian Tracy’s Blog Brian Tracy briantracy
39 Bob Burg’s Blog Bob Burg BobBurg
40 RapidBI Mike Morrison rapidbi
41 Management Excellence Art Petty artpetty
42 KR Connect Kevin Roberts
43 Dale Carnegie Blog (various) DaleCarnegie
44 Leading Questions Ed Brenegar edbrenegar
45 CEO Blog – Time Leadership Jim Estill JimEstill
46 Stephen R. Covey Stephen R. Covey StephenRCovey
47 Curious Cat Management Improvement John Hunter curiouscat_com
48 Ed Batista Ed Batista edbatista
49 Learn This Mike King Mike_King
50 Cranky Middle Manager Wayne Turmel greatwebmeeting
51 Linked 2 Leadership Tom Schulte tomschulte
52 Management Skills Blog Tom Foster
53 The Back of the Napkin Blog Dan Roam Dan_roam
54 thoughtLeaders, LLC Blog Mike Figliuolo thoughtLEADERS
55 Leadership at Work John Baldoni johnbaldoni
56 Eric D. Brown Eric D. Brown ericdbrown
57 Leadership & Learning Kevin Eikenberry KevinEikenberry
58 Mitch’s Blog T. T. Mitchell Mitch_M
59 Employee Engagement David Zinger davidzinger
60 Making Strategic Sense Patti Dragland strategicsense
61 Marshall Goldsmith Marshall Goldsmith coachgoldsmith
62 The Business of Management John Hollon johnhollon
63 Leadership in Action (various)
64 Alchemy of Soulful Work Chris Bailey chris_bailey
65 The Mark Sanborn Blog Mark Sanborn mark_sanborn
66 Extreme Leadership Steve Farber stevefarber
67 Making Managers into Leaders (various)
68 The Agile Executive Israel Gat agile_exec
69 Pink Slip Maureen Rogers
70 LeaderTalk Becky Robinson LeaderTalk
71 The Sykes Group’s OnPoint Blog (various)
72 Management-Issues (various)
73 Talking Story Rosa Say rosasay
74 Leadership Solutions Mary Jo Asmus mjasmus
75 Jon Gordon’s Blog Jon Gordon jongordon11

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76 Samuel Bacharach Blog William J. Briggs bacharachblog
77 Hiring Technical People Johanna Rothman johannarothman
78 Manager Skill Andrew Rondeau andrewrondeau
79 Next Level Blog Scott Eblin scotteblin
80 Michael Lee Stallard Michael Lee Stallard MichaelStallard
81 Coaching Tip: The Leadership Blog John G. Agno
82 Get Me Jamie Notter Jamie Notter jamienotter
83 Leaders We Deserve Tudor
84 Chris Brady Chris Brady Rascaltweets
85 CO2Partners Gary Cohen garybcohen
86 Unfolding Leadership Dan Oestreich DanOestreich
87 Leading Answers Mike Griffiths
88 Mavericks at Work Bill Taylor practicallyrad
89 QAspire Blog Tanmay Vora tnvora
90 Business Leader Success Articles James Chapman
91 The Six Disciplines Blog Skip Reardon sreardon
92 Managing Leadership Jim Stroup jimstroup
93 Mission Minded Management Michelle Malay Carter
94 Leader Chat David Witt LeaderChat
95 Manager Tools Blog (various) managertools
96 Leadership Challenge (various)
97 Top Executive Coaching Tony Mayo tonymayo
98 Simplicity Trevor Gay Trevthered
99 Cali and Jodi (various) caliandjody
100 Here We Are. Now What? Terrence Seamon tseamon
101 Management by Baseball Jeff Angus
102 Bird’s Eye View Susan Willett Bird gothambird
103 Lead Change Group Mike Henry Sr. mikehenrysr
104 Plain Talk Eileen McDargh macdarling
105 Lead on Purpose Michael Ray Hopkin michaelrhopkin
106 Mick’s Leadership Blog Mick Yates mickyates
107 Self Leadership Coaching Blog Andrew Bryant
108 Women’s Leadership Exchange Blog Leslie Grossman WLExchange
109 Management Blog (various) aimqld
110 Phil’s Leadership Blog Phil Dourado
111 Bait, Tackle, Ice, Advice & Beer Blog (various) catchyourlimit
112 Joe and Wanda on Management Nick McCormick
113 Bea Fields Blog Bea Fields beafields
114 Excellence in Leadership Frank D. Kanu FrankKanu
115 Contrarian Thinking Etienne Laliberté ContrarilyYours
116 Team Building Michael Cardus TeamBuildingNY
117 Cheryl Cran Cheryl Cran Cherylcran
118 The Recovering Leader David Peck recoveringleadr
119 The Enlightened Manager Cheri Baker cheribaker
120 Crossderry Blog Paul Ritchie
121 Survival Leadership Steve Gladis SteveGladis
122 Studentlinc Tim Milburn timage
125 (various)
123 Lead Quietly Don Frederiksen donfred
124 Business Wisdom Bill Matthies wmatthies
125 Inspiring Excellence Francis Kong francis_kong
126 David Goldsmith’s Blog David Goldsmith Goldsmith
127 Servant-Leadership Blog (various)
128 The Syd Blog Sydney Finkelstein TheSydBlog
129 (various) Ask_The_Manager
130 Never Mind the Manager Frode Heimen FrodeHeimen
131 Rich Gee Rich Gee richgeegroup
132 Nina Nets It Out Nina Simosko ninasimosko
133 Lead by Example John Baldoni johnbaldoni
134 BrainCram Martin Rhodes
135 Vital Integrities Blog George Brymer allsquareinc
136 Observations from the Front Line Jonar Nader
137 First Friday Book Synopsis (various)
138 IS Survivor Publishing Bob Lewis
140 x4tube (various)
139 Cenek Report Robert Cenek
140 Stephen H. Baum Stephen H. Baum
141 Leader Business Tom Magness LeaderBusiness
142 Saying What You Mean Nicole De Falco ndefalco
143 Emerging Leadership Circle (various)
144 Leadership is a Verb John Bishop johninhb
145 Personal Leadership Insight (various) PLI_Leadership
146 Paul Bridle Paul Bridle paulbridle
147 Emmanuel Gobillot Emmanuel Gobillot egobillot
148 Business Toolkit Jennifer Britton jennbritton
149 Freedom to Think and Dream Big Geoff Snyder geoff_snyder
150 Team Fusion Marjorie Treu teamfusion

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223 responses to “Top 150 Management & Leadership Blogs”

  1. Jurgen,
    Thanks for including us. We’re relatively new but happy to be helping emerging leaders at ELCircle.

  2. WeeklyLeader says:

    Great list! We’re pleased and honored to be with such amazing leadership thinkers and writers. Thanks for doing and sharing the great work here! 🙂
    Fair Winds,
    Peter A. Mello, founder/editor
    Weekly Leader
    @weeklyleader | @petermello

  3. davidburkus says:

    Would have loved to be included, but we just started in January. In time I trust we’ll be on the Top 150 Blogs List 2.0. Thanks for compiling a great list.

  4. Came to know by inclusion of a great friend Tanmay Vora of
    This list will be used as a clean leadership index for the years to come.
    Thanks again for compiling the great leadership resource.

  5. Bret Simmons says:

    There are some great blogs on this list, Jurgen. Thank you for recognizing my site. Bret

  6. Jim Stroup says:

    Thanks for including Managing Leadership – the ranking is a great idea, and you’ve done a great job with it – thanks again!

  7. Adi says:

    A good list of management blogs, thanks for compiling. Hopefully we’ll make the 2nd edition.
    Out of interest, what’s the country breakdown for this list?

  8. I’m inspired. There are so many great leadership blogs by great thinkers and leaders. Your Twitter list is also a great resource.
    Finally, thank you for recognizing my humble efforts at Lead Quietly.
    Lead Quietly

  9. thanks for including me.
    I am honored to be amongst these leadership giants.

  10. Tele Raack says:

    Many familiar and highly respected names and leadership blogs on this list! Based on your recommendations I will make a point to get to know those that are new to me.
    Thank you for putting this valuable list together!

  11. Thanks for all the nice feedback.
    I’m glad the hard work is appreciated! 🙂

  12. Jurgen, thanks for including my blog. I haven’t seen a list like this before, and can see that you put a lot of time into it. Thanks!

  13. Best #Management #Blogs and Hail to @WallyBock!

    A new listing of the top Leadership and Management blogs came out and I am pleased to see Management Craft at #35 (especially since I have been so erratic with posting frequency lately, must be the six-year itch). And I…

  14. Jurgen, this is a great resource! I follow several of these outstanding blogs but many are new to me, so thanks for the introduction. I really appreciate the effort and time you put into creating this list. May I suggest you check out Tanveer Naseer’s blog ( He’s a business strategy coach who writes often about leadership-related topics. And he really has a way with words…

  15. Mike Myatt says:

    Hi Jurgen:
    Thanks for including me your list. I appreciate the amount of work and effort that went into compiling these rankings. Keep up the great work Jurgen.

  16. Great list. Thanks for your efforts and for sharing. It’s good to see so many Servant Leadership proponents made the rankings!

  17. Dan Riovers says:

    What about Seth Godin, author of Tribes and Linchpin?
    Wouldn’t he be #1?

  18. Seth Godin might qualify, but it is disputed whether his blog is really his blog. Because he doesn’t allow comments on it. And a blog without interaction is not really social.

  19. Hi Jurgen,
    This is an amazing list. Thank you for compiling it and sharing it.
    My blog on Management and Leadership is only about 6 months old, but I hope some day it may make your impressive list!
    Eric Jacobson

  20. Chris Brady says:

    Thanks so much for the time and effort invested in all the number-crunching required compile this info!
    Appreciate the mention! It’s an honor and a privilege to be included in such a list!
    Chris Brady

  21. Great list. I was looking for such a complex list for a long time. Thanks a lot.
    I hope that next time you will add my blog to that list, too. 🙂

  22. Surprise! I’m on a list!!!

    I’ve been blogging since July 4, 2004. Leading Questions has always been a place for me to try to bring clarity to my complex mind. Honestly, I’ve not thought much about numbers or rankings or any of that stuff. I’ve…

  23. Hi
    Great list and thank you for including us (#40 RapidBI)
    for info, 95% of the posts are written by me Mike Morrison and my twitter is @rapidbi
    keep up the great work

  24. Trevor Gay says:

    Hi Jurgen
    Many thanks for including my Simplicity Blog in your top 150.
    I really appreciate your support.
    Best wishes – keep it simple 

  25. Steve Daly says:

    I did a quick scan of this list, so I might be missing something, but can you provide this list in an OPML file so that it can be imported into a feed reader?

  26. Good idea, but that would be a lot of work. But if someone else wants to do it, I’d be happy to post the link here. 😉

  27. Jurgan,
    Many thanks for including my blog on your list. I’m enjoying checking out blogs I had not seen before and checking in on some blogs I hadn’t visited in some time. I write about the force of connection and why it’s essential to effective leadership and employee engagement. Your list is a force of connection, too, by connecting individuals who have a passion for leadership and management. So again, thank you.
    With best wishes and warmest regards,

  28. Horaciolyon says:

    You are missing Seth Godin’s, for me is number Zero… Yes there are no comments thought the blog, BUT this is done though Twitter and Facebook which is much more social(Sorry, but I think you didn’t understand this).

  29. JK says:

    Contrast this list with your polemic about “Stupid Americans”:
    Why did you cite so many stupid Americans in your complex, very sophisticated, deep thinking list?
    I think complexity can be a form of stupidity since complexity can be easier to produce than thinking about how to be clear and concise.
    Thank you stupid (“complex”) Dutch Guy.

  30. So if I want to know people’s feedback on a certain blog post from Seth Godin by searching for them on Twitter or Facebook? What nonsense!
    Sorry, but I think you didn’t understand that I’m leading a business specialized in social media.

  31. If you completely failed to understand that the “Stupid Americans” post was 100% humor and irony, and that none of it was meant seriously, then you’ve simply proved my point. 😉

  32. Scott McKain says:

    Jurgen —
    Thanks so much for such an insightful and remarkable list! It’s great to see so many of my personal, real-life friends on here: Sanborn, Sanders, Myatt, Hyatt, Burg, Tracy, Henry…it goes on and on!
    May I please request you take a look at an additional blog?
    We are very fortunate to be receiving a significant amount of discussion from a number of very interesting readers.
    It must have been a LOT of work to compile such a comprehensive and compelling list. Please know there are many people grateful for your efforts!
    Best regards,
    Scott McKain

  33. thanks for this – very useful – all in one place. makes it so easy – but must have been a great deal of work for you – thank you thank you thank you as the Buddhists say – may you do many more things like these again and again and again –

  34. JK says:

    BTW, yes, I know you are using “Stupid Americans” as a way to “communicate” that using simplicity is a good thing.
    Maybe some people aren’t as “sophisticated” as you but perhaps your fellow Dutchman would be offended if Tim Ferris (not that he would do this) would have a blog post on how stupid Dutch people were because of this: so all Dutch are Muslim phobes because of one idiot or maybe this could be a management/leadership post (“Never blindly listen to the media even if they are trying to hype up something (ie the “Muslim threat”) or better yet never use satire if you don’t know how to use it).

  35. The whole “Stupid Americans” post was one big joke.
    If you weren’t so stupid, you would realize that the post also has many jokes about Europeans (including French _and_ Dutch).
    And if you look at the many comments, you can see that just about all readers, with few exceptions, appreciated my jokes on various nationalities.
    In fact, in various other posts I have joked about the French:
    (Which was even easier than joking about Americans.)
    But I have NEVER heard a complaint from my French readers. And you know why? Because they actually have a sense of humor!
    Unfortunately, in your blind simple-mindedness, you only see the jokes about Americans, and you’re feeling ‘offended’.
    I honestly do not care. At all.
    Get a life dude.

  36. jaygoldman says:

    Jurgen —
    Thanks for compiling this list!
    I thought I’d help out a little and converted into OPML format:
    Hope you’ll share that with your readers and take a moment to check out Make Work Meaningful while you’re there. We just launched last week so the dust is still settling. I’d love to talk about adding you as a contributor! Email me for details.

  37. Wayne Botha says:

    Hi Jurgen,
    Thank you for compiling this list – I am looking forward to reading these blogs.
    You may want to add Alan Weiss to your list. ( Alan is a leading global consultant. Success Magazine recognized Alan as “A worldwide expert in executive education”.
    Your readers will benefit from Alan’s insights and vast experience.

  38. Geoff Snyder says:

    Hi Jurgen!
    Thank you so much for putting this list together. It is nice to have one place to go to and see who our leaders are. I was blown away when I saw that I was listed on a top leadership site. This is an absolute honor. Thanks again and God bless. Geoff Snyder

  39. Thanks for this list. I follow some blogs on the list and will follow others that I haven’t been following.
    I have a blog called The Word on Employment Law. In addition to traditional employment law issues, I often deal with the subject of leadership as it relates to employers, HR, and the workplace. I also regularly take various events from pop culture and draw HR and employment law lessons from them.
    I hope you’ll check me out: Thanks.

  40. Thanks Meredith for the blog recommendation and kind words. Your generosity is very much appreciated.
    I want to join everyone else in thanking you, Jurgen, for putting together this wonderful resource. I recognize many friends and familiar names in your list. Will be checking out the others I’m not so familiar with as well.
    So thanks for your hard work in putting this list together.

  41. Geoff Snyder says:

    Hi Jurgen,
    Thank you so much for putting this list together. I am flattered and honored to have been included with so many great leaders of today. It’s nice to know there are many of us with the same vision, yet unique to our own.
    Once I read this, I posted a short article about this post on leadership and will include a link at the bottom. I used your picture (giving it a direct link as well for proper credit)…I hope that is okay. Please let me know otherwise.
    Thank you again!
    Best regards,

  42. SEO Chuckie says:

    Found your blog through Tim Feriss’ site. Great list! Now I should find time to read them all. Thanks!

  43. Sean says:

    Hey Jurgen,
    Great top list. Nice to see Tim to get the top spot – loved 4HWW.
    Have another site to add 🙂
    it’s not a blog but a video site all about leadership and management.
    You have a new subscriber here…

  44. Emmanuel says:

    THANK YOU for being so kind as to include me in your list it is a great compliment and I appreciate your support.

  45. Gil Pizano says:

    Wow! This is a great list! Thank you for taking the time to compile such a list. As a student of leadership myself, I’ve heard and have gone to many of these sites. Some of the others I had not heard of but know have the opportunity to check them out. It’s clear that you’ve done a large amount of work here and again it is greatly appreciated by me and surely many, many others!
    I’ll be sure to point others to it and your site!
    Best Regards,
    Gil Pizano

  46. Bruce Llynn says:

    I’m submitting my Leadership and Management blog ( for consideration. It gets lots of positive feedback and appears to have stat numbers similar to other sites that have made your top 150.

  47. Hopefully the Manager by Design blog will make it onto the list next year.

  48. Great job, Jurgen – hopefully my new blog site,, may find it’s way onto your list next year!

  49. Nice List- You’ve given us plenty to read!
    We just started our “21 Days to A High Performance Team Challenge” today, stop by and check it out at
    Each day for the next 21, we will be posting one tip, topic, or action item that you can use to build a much higher performing team. Our emphasis is on practical, simple and immediately applicable steps that will yield lasting results for you and your team! We welcome discussion, questions and feedback.
    Our blog isn’t not quite ready for this list yet-but maybe next year!
    Jurgen-Wow! This is the first time I’ve been to Noop.NL- doesn’t look like it will be the last!

  50. Siddhartha says:

    This is a good list with a lot of the blogs I follow. I’d like to also recommend my blog as a resource for people interested in becoming a visionary leader.

  51. John Agno says:

    Thanks for including The Leadership Blog at in your list. We believe that leadership coaching can happen on the dance floor of conversation…and…we all are positively motivated when supported by regular coaching.

  52. Mark Kelly says:

    Hay hope to be on your list some day 🙂 Really onjoying reading it 🙂 Great job!

  53. Jason says:

    As an educator/trainer in management and leadership I am always on the lookout for current, interesting articles and commentary on the diverse topics associated with the leadership genre. Fantastic. Thanks.

  54. Anthony Foust says:

    Is the OPML available somewhere else? The link seems to be broke. I am really interested in adding these blogs to my GReader. Thanks!

  55. Apparently the link died.
    I don’t have such a file myself.
    If someone else makes one, I’ll be happy to link to it again.

  56. This is a great list — I hope you you’ll look into and include in your next list. It’s been up for almost a year and has lost of substantial articles and tips on people and team management.

  57. Brian Dodd says:

    Also check out Great site that is helping a lot of people.

  58. Would love to be considered for the next list but regardless, hope you won’t mind and look forward. Have a great week.
    I talk about work, Leadership, training, HR and motivation!

  59. Keep me on your radar. I have a desire to help improve leadership:

  60. 150 blogs? 150 x 1 post/day x 5 minutes to read x 2 minutes to answer or comment… do the math 😉

  61. hey it’s a great list and nice blog thanks.

  62. srinisha says:

    You have listed a nice set of blogs here.
    I also blog on management and security related stuff.
    You should check out my blog sometime at

  63. A very good job of searching the leadership blogs and ranking them to a list of 150. A lot of good learning would come out from these top management leadership blogs…..
    here is my webpage on personality development and leadership…
    Hope you to appraise and rank mine also..

  64. Jurgen,
    Thanks for the comprehensive list! It is great to have a comprehensive list of fellow business bloggers in one place.

  65. Norine, Thank you so much for including Just Ask Leadership blog as part of your Top 150 list. It is really fun to be recognized on your selection. Gary Cohen

  66. Jurgen
    Thanks to your work, I now have a number of good additional sources for leadership reading. And many thanks for including All Things Workplace.

  67. Ed Sykes says:

    Thank you for include The Sykes Group’s OnPoint on your list. We are honored to be on suca a highly respected list of leaders. We have changed our blog address to along with changing our look. Come by and tell us what you think. Thanks again

  68. Awesome list! With out a doubt the most comprehensive and complete list of resources I’ve seen. Very well done!!! appreciate the hard work and time taken to do this write up.

  69. This raises a very simple question for me. With so many people writing about leadership — presumably providing much insight into how to be a great leader — why is most organizational leadership so poor? I can only conclude that somehow all of this collective wisdom is missing the point in that it is either not connecting with people or doesn’t actually work.
    Perhaps a better use of your time would be to try to figure out what really makes the difference in leadership.

  70. check out The Worden Report, a blog whose essays include the subject of leadership vs. management in business as well as government. The ethical dimension is stressed. see Thanks!

  71. Great list Jurgen. Thanks for sharing 🙂 I’ll be sure to check them all out.

  72. Jurgen,
    thank you for including my Braincram site in your list.
    You may wish to update the link to:
    Best wishes

  73. Like David I’d love to be on the list next year, but as I have a princely 15 subscribers so far I can just about cope with the rejection.
    To rectify the situation I have set myself the challenge of leaving a thoughtful comment on all of the above. It may be a vain hope, but no doubt I will learn something so it won’t be a waste of time.
    149 to go.
    Thanks for the list

  74. Oh, and you were probably right about the Americans, though sarcasm is best left to the English.

  75. thanks for having those blogs listed, must have represent massive work! however well done and i prefer GTD Times , for the moment!

  76. Himani says:

    Education and training is like a journey, but in our country most of the students, first finish their journey and then think about their destination.

  77. I got valuable leadership sites collection.

  78. Great list.
    Thanks for compiling it.
    Hope to make the list next time.
    Eric Jacobson
    Eric Jacobson On Management And Leadership

  79. Thank you so much for this, I constantly want to review different perspectives but just doing a general search doesn’t always generate the best results, this allows me to focus in on key blogs!
    Thanks you’ve saved me lots of time.

  80. This is a very useful list. Just starting following blogs and this will save me a lot of time. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

  81. Joe Talent says:

    Superb list, relevant as ever!

  82. Sarah says:

    I have found another great Leadership Blog. Not been up and running that long but still the information on there is really useful and updated all the time: Check it out!! Have looked at the others in this list and will definitely start to follow these as again some useful tips.
    Thanks for the list!

  83. CHRISREUNION says:

    Excellente initiative.Can you check that this twitter list link works? merci 🙂

  84. Jock says:

    Rocking list there !!
    I did a google search and this was the first site that came up. I just checked out your other lists as well, there were a few sites there I had never come across before.
    Thanks for putting the list together.

  85. kasser says:

    good and nice info
    thank you very much for the good post

  86. Bob Philpin says:

    Just stumbled on your blog, and spent the last hour reading. Thanks so much for the hard work you must have put in to creating this list, it’s saved me hours of searching for the best management blogs around.
    Greetings from the east of the Netherlands,

  87. Great list to explore and I look forward to visiting all of these blogs in due course.
    I would like to see my own listed, of course:
    I have over 100 posts on leadership, management, employee engagement and success at work. I comment regularly on HBR blogs and get a lot of great feedback.

  88. DP says:

    I like Talent Manager’s Journal and say Special Ability on word press.

  89. Great list of the top blogs.
    Thanks for creating
    Duncan Brodie

  90. Ganesh says:

    This site provides the better source for the Jobs than the other jobs sites. Here employer may take the good job from the site. This site gives us to all types of Job and provide the expert information. Many people gets the Jobs through this website as compare to the other website. This is the place only after satisfactory information has been gathered on the quality. This site gives you dream of working at various jobs. Here you will get all the jobs which is better for you.
    top management job
    Abdiel Technologies.

  91. Coaching Go says:

    I am just starting but hope to be on the list soon !

  92. Manoj Kotak says:

    I am s management consultant but this list is really new and very useful information for me even.

  93. Enjoyed the list. Great idea Noticed I never got round to changing my blog name from Tudor, so becoming the only semi-anonymous blog author on the list.
    Time to come out of the closet, after 800 posts.

  94. Thanks for including us in your list. I am honored.

  95. Thank you for including in your leadership blog list.

  96. I have been doing work for a company by the name Seminar Warehouse. They are very good with corporate matters and skills for the business owner who needs direction in people skills, technology and self-discipline. We all need coaching as managers and leaders in our fields. Having a trusted partner helps.
    The above info should come in times of needed direction! If you are interested in checking them out … Training Seminar
    and Business Seminar

  97. Please update the URL for The Practice of Leadership to

  98. Leadership says:

    Thanks for the awesome list of some very good leadership blogs.

  99. Gerald says:

    Thanks for compiling this list of leadership blogs. I hope Principles of Execution can make your list in the future.

  100. Abhay says:

    interesting info….thanks for sharing !!!

  101. Ernie Arias says:

    Thanks for sharing such valuable information. I am bookmarking this great list!
    Ernie Arias

  102. Seems to be a great piece of posting, thanks a lot for sharing a list of the top 150 management blogs from across the world. I really appreciate your efforts…

  103. Hi Jurgen, I know this post is a couple years old, but it still has a lot of helpful information and great blogs on it. Are you still keeping a tally? My blog is fairly new, but I’ve been trying to find out where it “ranks.” If you know of a ranking spot, could you let me know?

  104. orlay says:

    Just found a recent management advice blog, thought to share with the rest of you.

  105. Sean says:

    Thanks so much for sharing this list…
    I look forward to visiting them.
    I would also encourage you to visit my own team leadership blog, found at:
    Lead Your Team!

  106. InsightEx says:

    This is a fabulous list – thank you! I kindly suggest you visit our company’s Leadership blogs at:
    Best wishes!

  107. Johnny says:

    Found this sight offering some new views on leadership as well

  108. Mike Rogers says:

    Would love to have you include Teamwork and Leadership – Michael Rogers in your list 🙂 Thanks!

  109. Jahanvi Mehta says:

    Accounting homework help

    Send me your accounting & finance assignments and i will send you back the
    answers. I also help in projects, papers and essays.

    I also help in:-

    Accounting homework help

    Financial management homework help

    Statistics & economics homework help

    Net present value, future value & compounding

    Bonds, stocks, options, derivatives

    Financial accounting homework help

    Managerial accounting assignment solutions

    Ratio analysis & cash flow statement

    Income statement & balance sheet & shares & debentures

    Marginal costing, standard costing & variable costing

    Activity based costing, break even point & cvp analysis

    LIFO, fifo, weighted average & journal entries & trial balance finance
    homework help, accounting homework help, statistics homework help, economics
    homework help, financial management homework, accounting help, accounting,
    balance sheet, income statement, journal entries, present value, break even
    point, variable costing, absorption costing, standard costing, activity based
    costing, marketing homework help, ratio analysis, cash flow statement, cash
    budget, sales budget, LIFO FIFO, weighted average, wacc, macrs, bonds
    valuation, capm, project evaluation, capital budgeting, variance, working
    capital management, finance essays, finance projects & word problems,
    financial management

    Please visit once

    Or email me on [email protected]

  110. A terrific list! Maybe I will make it one day. In the meantime, you have assembled some of the best out there including many friends. Well done!

  111. Very inspirational and useful resource! Thanks for putting this huge list together in one place.

  112. khushbu says:

    Do your accounting homework, accounting assignments
    with our accounting homework solution and accounting tutoring help. Our
    homework assistance helps you to do your accounting homework and a

    ccounting assignments.

    Please visit once
    or email me on [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

    Accounting homework

    Accounting assignments

  113. Lars says:

    Wow! Nice. Can’t wait to kick away my shoes and browse a Sunday away. Thanks! Of course I aspire to be on this list one day with my blog. Mine is just starting to attract first viewers.

  114. khushbu says:

    Do your accounting homework, accounting assignments with our accounting
    homework solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps
    you to do your accounting homework and a

    ccounting assignments.

    Please visit once or email me on [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

  115. khushbu says:

    Accounting homework help

    Send me your accounting & finance assignments and i will send you back the
    answers. I also help in projects, papers and essays.

    I also help in:-

    Accounting homework help

    Financial management homework help

    Statistics & economics homework help

    Net present value, future value & compounding

    Bonds, stocks, options, derivatives

    Financial accounting homework help

    Managerial accounting assignment solutions

    Ratio analysis & cash flow statement

    Income statement & balance sheet & shares & debentures

    Marginal costing, standard costing & variable costing

    Activity based costing, break even point & cvp analysis

    LIFO, fifo, weighted average & journal entries & trial balance finance
    homework help, accounting homework help, statistics homework help, economics
    homework help, financial management homework, accounting help, accounting,
    balance sheet, income statement, journal entries, present value, break even
    point, variable costing, absorption costing, standard costing, activity based
    costing, marketing homework help, ratio analysis, cash flow statement, cash
    budget, sales budget, LIFO FIFO, weighted average, wacc, macrs, bonds
    valuation, capm, project evaluation, capital budgeting, variance, working
    capital management, finance essays, finance projects & word problems,
    financial management

    Please visit once

    Or email me on [email protected]

  116. khushbu says:

    Email me your
    assignments and I will send you back the solutions.

    In addition to solving problems I do projects, papers and essays.

    I offer assistance in the following areas, undergraduate, graduate and post
    graduate levels:


    Accounting concept

    Income statement

    Balance sheet

    Cash-flow statement

    Accounts receivable, Note receivable


    Fixed Assets, Depreciation

    Intangible assets

    Current liability


    Long-term liability

    Common and preferred stock

    Treasury stock

    Cash and dividends

    Financial statement analysis

    Cost accounting, Cost analysis

    Accounting and management decision


    [email protected]

  117. khushbu says:

    Do your accounting
    homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework solution and
    accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do your
    accounting homework and a

    ccounting assignments.

    Please visit once or email me on [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

    Accounting homework

    Accounting assignments

  118. khushbu says:

    Do your accounting
    homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework solution and
    accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do your
    accounting homework and a

    ccounting assignments.

    Please visit once or email me on [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

  119. Paul Sohn says:

    Wow, great list Jurgen! I’d love to see if you could include me in the next round of updates for the Top Leadership Blogs. I blog @

  120. khushbu says:

    Do your accounting
    homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework solution and
    accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do your
    accounting homework and a

    ccounting assignments.

    Please visit once or email me on [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring hel

    Accounting assignments

  121. khushbu says:

    Do your accounting
    homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework solution and
    accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do your
    accounting homework and a

    ccounting assignments.

    Please visit once or email me on [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

    Accounting homework

    Accounting assignments

  122. khushbu says:

    Do your accounting
    homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework solution and
    accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do your
    accounting homework and a

    ccounting assignments.

    Please visit once or email me on [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

  123. khushbu says:

    Do your accounting
    homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework solution and
    accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do your
    accounting homework and a

    ccounting assignments.

    Please visit once or email me on [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

    Accounting homework

    Accounting assignments

  124. sherrysunny says:

    I thought that is one of the so much vital information
    for me on this blog …
    what is content management system

  125. khushbu says:

    Do your accounting
    homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework solution and
    accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do your
    accounting homework and accounting assignments.

    Please visit once or email me on [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

    Accounting homework

    Accounting assignments

  126. khushbu says:

    Email me your
    assignments and I will send you back the solutions.

    In addition to solving problems I do projects, papers and essays.

    I offer assistance in the following areas, undergraduate, graduate and post
    graduate levels:


    Accounting concept

    Income statement

    Balance sheet

    Cash-flow statement

    Accounts receivable, Note receivable


    Fixed Assets, Depreciation

    Intangible assets

    Current liability


    Long-term liability

    Common and preferred stock

    Treasury stock

    Cash and dividends

    Financial statement analysis

    Cost accounting, Cost analysis

    Accounting and management decision


    [email protected]

  127. khushbu says:

    Accounting homework help

    Send me your accounting & finance assignments and i will send you back the
    answers. I also help in projects, papers and essays.

    I also help in:-

    Accounting homework help

    Financial management homework help

    Statistics & economics homework help

    Financial accounting homework help

    Managerial accounting assignment solutions

    Ratio analysis & cash flow statement

    Income statement & balance sheet & shares & debentures

    Marginal costing, standard costing & variable costing

    Activity based costing, break even point & cvp analysis

    LIFO, fifo, weighted average & journal entries & trial balance finance
    homework help, accounting homework help, statistics homework help, economics
    homework help, financial management homework, accounting help, accounting,
    balance sheet, income statement, journal entries, present value, break even
    point, variable costing, absorption costing, standard costing, activity based
    costing, marketing homework help, ratio analysis, cash flow statement, cash
    budget, sales budget, LIFO FIFO, weighted average, wacc, macrs, bonds
    valuation, capm, project evaluation, capital budgeting, variance, working
    capital management, finance essays, finance projects & word problems,
    financial management

    Please visit once

    Or email me on [email protected]

  128. khushbu says:

    Do your accounting
    homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework solution and
    accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do your
    accounting homework and accounting assignments.

    Please visit once or email me on [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

    Accounting homework

    Accounting assignments

  129. khushbu says:

    Do your
    accounting homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework
    solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do
    your accounting homework and accounting assignments email me on
    [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

    Accounting homework

    Accounting assignments

  130. khushbu says:

    Accounting homework help

    Send me your accounting & finance assignments and i will send you back the
    answers. I also help in projects, papers and essays.

    I also help in:-

    Accounting homework help

    Financial management homework help

    Statistics & economics homework help

    Net present value, future value & compounding

    Bonds, stocks, options, derivatives

    Financial accounting homework help

    Managerial accounting assignment solutions

    Ratio analysis & cash flow statement

    Income statement & balance sheet & shares & debentures

    Marginal costing, standard costing & variable costing

    Activity based costing, break even point & cvp analysis

    LIFO, fifo, weighted average & journal entries & trial balance finance
    homework help, accounting homework help, statistics homework help, economics
    homework help, financial management homework, accounting help, accounting,
    balance sheet, income statement, journal entries, present value, break even
    point, variable costing, absorption costing, standard costing, activity based
    costing, marketing homework help, ratio analysis, cash flow statement, cash
    budget, sales budget, LIFO FIFO, weighted average, wacc, macrs, bonds
    valuation, capm, project evaluation, capital budgeting, variance, working
    capital management, finance essays, finance projects & word problems,
    financial management

    Please visit once

    Or email me on [email protected]

  131. khushbu says:

    Do your
    accounting homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework
    solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do
    your accounting homework and accounting assignments email me on
    [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

    Accounting homework

    Accounting assignments

  132. khushbu says:

    Accounting homework help

    Send me your accounting & finance assignments and i will send you back the
    answers. I also help in projects, papers and essays.

    I also help in:-

    Accounting homework help

    Financial management homework help

    Statistics & economics homework help

    Net present value, future value & compounding

    Bonds, stocks, options, derivatives

    Financial accounting homework help

    Managerial accounting assignment solutions

    Ratio analysis & cash flow statement

    Income statement & balance sheet & shares & debentures

    Marginal costing, standard costing & variable costing

    Activity based costing, break even point & cvp analysis

    LIFO, fifo, weighted average & journal entries & trial balance finance
    homework help, accounting homework help, statistics homework help, economics
    homework help, financial management homework, accounting help, accounting,
    balance sheet, income statement, journal entries, present value, break even
    point, variable costing, absorption costing, standard costing, activity based
    costing, marketing homework help, ratio analysis, cash flow statement, cash
    budget, sales budget, LIFO FIFO, weighted average, wacc, macrs, bonds
    valuation, capm, project evaluation, capital budgeting, variance, working
    capital management, finance essays, finance projects & word problems,
    financial management

    Please visit once

    Or email me on [email protected]

  133. khushbu says:

    Email me your
    assignments and I will send you back the solutions.

    In addition to solving problems I do projects, papers and essays.

    I offer assistance in the following areas, undergraduate, graduate and post
    graduate levels:


    Accounting concept

    Income statement

    Balance sheet

    Cash-flow statement

    Accounts receivable, Note receivable


    Fixed Assets, Depreciation


    Long-term liability

    Common and preferred stock

    Treasury stock

    Cash and dividends

    Financial statement analysis

    Cost accounting, Cost analysis

    Accounting and management decision


    [email protected]

  134. kruti pandya says:

    Email me your
    assignments and I will send you back the solutions.

    In addition to solving problems I do projects, papers and essays.

    I offer assistance in the following areas, undergraduate, graduate and post
    graduate levels:


    Accounting concept

    Income statement

    Balance sheet

    Cash-flow statement

    Accounts receivable, Note receivable


    Fixed Assets, Depreciation

    Intangible assets

    Current liability


    Long-term liability

    Common and preferred stock

    Treasury stock

    Cash and dividends

    Financial statement analysis

    Cost accounting, Cost analysis

    Accounting and management decision


    [email protected]

  135. khushbu says:

    Do your
    accounting homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework
    solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do
    your accounting homework and accounting assignments email me on
    [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

    Accounting homework

    Accounting assignments

  136. khushbu says:

    Email me your
    assignments and I will send you back the solutions.

    In addition to solving problems I do projects, papers and essays.

    I offer assistance in the following areas, undergraduate, graduate and post
    graduate levels:


    Balance sheet

    Cash-flow statement

    Accounts receivable, Note receivable


    Fixed Assets, Depreciation

    Intangible assets

    Current liability


    Long-term liability

    Common and preferred stock

    Treasury stock

    Cash and dividends

    Financial statement analysis

    Cost accounting, Cost analysis

    Accounting and management decision


    [email protected]

  137. khushbu says:

    Do your
    accounting homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework
    solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do
    your accounting homework and accounting assignments email me on
    [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

  138. khushbu says:

    Do your
    accounting homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework
    solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do
    your accounting homework and accounting assignments email me on
    [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

    Accounting homework

    Accounting assignments

  139. khushbu says:


    Accounting homework help

    Send me your accounting & finance assignments and i will send you back the
    answers. I also help in projects, papers and essays.

    I also help in:-

    Accounting homework help

    Financial management homework help

    Statistics & economics homework help

    Net present value, future value & compounding

    Bonds, stocks, options, derivatives

    Financial accounting homework help

    Managerial accounting assignment solutions

    Ratio analysis & cash flow statement

    Income statement & balance sheet & shares & debentures

    Marginal costing, standard costing & variable costing

    Activity based costing, break even point & cvp analysis

    LIFO, fifo, weighted average & journal entries & trial balance finance
    homework help, accounting homework help, statistics homework help, economics
    homework help, financial management homework, accounting help, accounting,
    balance sheet, income statement, journal entries, present value, break even
    point, variable costing, absorption costing, standard costing, activity based
    costing, marketing homework help, ratio analysis, cash flow statement, cash
    budget, sales budget, LIFO FIFO, weighted average, wacc, macrs, bonds
    valuation, capm, project evaluation, capital budgeting, variance, working
    capital management, finance essays, finance projects & word problems,
    financial management

    Please visit once

    Or email me on [email protected]

  140. khushbu says:

    Do your
    accounting homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework
    solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do
    your accounting homework and accounting assignments email me on
    [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting assignments

  141. khushbu says:

    Email me your
    assignments and I will send you back the solutions.

    In addition to solving problems I do projects, papers and essays.

    I offer assistance in the following areas, undergraduate, graduate and post
    graduate levels:


    Accounting concept

    Income statement

    Balance sheet

    Cash-flow statement

    Accounts receivable, Note receivable


    Fixed Assets, Depreciation

    Intangible assets

    Current liability


    Long-term liability

    Common and preferred stock

    Treasury stock

    Cash and dividends

    Financial statement analysis

    Cost accounting, Cost analysis

    Accounting and management decision


    [email protected]

  142. khushbu says:

    Do your
    accounting homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework
    solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do
    your accounting homework and accounting assignments email me on
    [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

    Accounting homework

    Accounting assignments

  143. khushbu says:

    Do your
    accounting homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework
    solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do
    your accounting homework and accounting assignments email me on
    [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting assignments

  144. khushbu says:

    Do your
    accounting homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework
    solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do
    your accounting homework and accounting assignments email me on
    [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting assignments

  145. khushbu says:

    Email me your
    assignments and I will send you back the solutions.

    In addition to solving problems I do projects, papers and essays.

    I offer assistance in the following areas, undergraduate, graduate and post
    graduate levels:


    Accounting concept

    Income statement

    Balance sheet

    Cash-flow statement

    Accounts receivable, Note receivable


    Fixed Assets, Depreciation

    Intangible assets

    Current liability


    Long-term liability

    Common and preferred stock

    Treasury stock

    Cash and dividends

    Financial statement analysis

    Cost accounting, Cost analysis

    Accounting and management decision


    [email protected]

  146. khushbu says:

    Do your
    accounting homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework
    solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do
    your accounting homework and accounting assignments email me on
    [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

    Accounting homework

    Accounting assignments

  147. khushbu says:

    Email me your
    assignments and I will send you back the solutions.

    In addition to solving problems I do projects, papers and essays.

    I offer assistance in the following areas, undergraduate, graduate and post
    graduate levels:


    Accounting concept

    Accounts receivable, Note receivable


    Fixed Assets, Depreciation

    Intangible assets

    Current liability


    Long-term liability

    Common and preferred stock

    Treasury stock

    Cash and dividends

    Financial statement analysis

    Cost accounting, Cost analysis

    Accounting and management decision


    [email protected]

  148. khushbu says:

    Accounting homework help

    Send me your accounting & finance assignments and i will send you back the
    answers. I also help in projects, papers and essays.

    I also help in:-

    Accounting homework help

    Financial management homework help

    Statistics & economics homework help

    Net present value, future value & compounding

    Bonds, stocks, options, derivatives

    Financial accounting homework help

    Managerial accounting assignment solutions

    Ratio analysis & cash flow statement

    LIFO, fifo, weighted average & journal entries & trial balance finance
    homework help, accounting homework help, statistics homework help, economics
    homework help, financial management homework, accounting help, accounting,
    balance sheet, income statement, journal entries, present value, break even
    point, variable costing, absorption costing, standard costing, activity based
    costing, marketing homework help, ratio analysis, cash flow statement, cash
    budget, sales budget, LIFO FIFO, weighted average, wacc, macrs, bonds
    valuation, capm, project evaluation, capital budgeting, variance, working
    capital management, finance essays, finance projects & word problems,
    financial management

    Please visit once

    Or email me on [email protected]

  149. khushbu says:

    Do your
    accounting homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework
    solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do
    your accounting homework and accounting assignments email me on
    [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

    Accounting homework

    Accounting assignments

  150. khushbu says:

    Email me your
    assignments and I will send you back the solutions.

    In addition to solving problems I do projects, papers and essays.

    I offer assistance in the following areas, undergraduate, graduate and post
    graduate levels:


    Accounting concept

    Income statement

    Balance sheet

    Cash-flow statement

    Accounts receivable, Note receivable


    Fixed Assets, Depreciation

    Intangible assets

    Current liability


    Long-term liability

    Common and preferred stock

    Treasury stock

    Cash and dividends

    Financial statement analysis

    Cost accounting, Cost analysis

    Accounting and management decision


    [email protected]

  151. khushbu says:

    Do your
    accounting homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework
    solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do
    your accounting homework and accounting assignments email me on
    [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting assignments

  152. khushbu says:

    Accounting homework help

    Send me your accounting & finance assignments and i will send you back the
    answers. I also help in projects, papers and essays.

    I also help in:-

    Accounting homework help

    Financial management homework help

    Statistics & economics homework help

    Net present value, future value & compounding

    Bonds, stocks, options, derivatives

    Financial accounting homework help

    Managerial accounting assignment solutions

    Ratio analysis & cash flow statement

    Income statement & balance sheet & shares & debentures

    Marginal costing, standard costing & variable costing

    Activity based costing, break even point & cvp analysis

    LIFO, fifo, weighted average & journal entries & trial balance finance
    homework help, accounting homework help, statistics homework help, economics
    homework help, financial management homework, accounting help, accounting,
    balance sheet, income statement, journal entries, present value, break even
    point, variable costing, absorption costing, standard costing, activity based
    costing, marketing homework help, ratio analysis, cash flow statement, cash
    budget, sales budget, LIFO FIFO, weighted average, wacc, macrs, bonds
    valuation, capm, project evaluation, capital budgeting, variance, working
    capital management, finance essays, finance projects & word problems,
    financial management

    Please visit once

    Or email me on [email protected]

  153. khushbu says:

    Do your
    accounting homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework
    solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do
    your accounting homework and accounting assignments email me on
    [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting assignments

  154. khushbu says:

    Email me your
    assignments and I will send you back the solutions.

    In addition to solving problems I do projects, papers and essays.

    I offer assistance in the following areas, undergraduate, graduate and post
    graduate levels:


    Accounting concept

    Cash-flow statement

    Accounts receivable, Note receivable


    Fixed Assets, Depreciation

    Intangible assets

    Current liability


    Long-term liability

    Common and preferred stock

    Treasury stock

    Cash and dividends

    Financial statement analysis

    Cost accounting, Cost analysis

    Accounting and management decision


    [email protected]

  155. khushbu says:

    Email me your
    assignments and I will send you back the solutions.

    In addition to solving problems I do projects, papers and essays.

    I offer assistance in the following areas, undergraduate, graduate and post
    graduate levels:


    Accounting concept

    Income statement

    Balance sheet

    Cash-flow statement

    Accounts receivable, Note receivable


    Fixed Assets, Depreciation

    Intangible assets

    Current liability


    Long-term liability

    Common and preferred stock

    Treasury stock

    Cash and dividends

    Financial statement analysis

    Cost accounting, Cost analysis

    Accounting and management decision


    [email protected]

  156. khushbu says:

    Accounting homework help

    Send me your accounting & finance assignments and i will send you back the
    answers. I also help in projects, papers and essays.

    I also help in:-

    Accounting homework help

    Financial management homework help

    Statistics & economics homework help

    Net present value, future value & compounding

    Bonds, stocks, options, derivatives

    Financial accounting homework help

    Managerial accounting assignment solutions

    Ratio analysis & cash flow statement

    Income statement & balance sheet & shares & debentures

    Marginal costing, standard costing & variable costing

    Activity based costing, break even point & cvp analysis

    LIFO, fifo, weighted average & journal entries & trial balance finance
    homework help, accounting homework help, statistics homework help, economics
    homework help, financial management homework, accounting help, accounting,
    balance sheet, income statement, journal entries, present value, break even
    point, variable costing, absorption costing, standard costing, activity based
    costing, marketing homework help, ratio analysis, cash flow statement, cash
    budget, sales budget, LIFO FIFO, weighted average, wacc, macrs, bonds
    valuation, capm, project evaluation, capital budgeting, variance, working
    capital management, finance essays, finance projects & word problems,
    financial management

    Please visit once

    Or email me on [email protected]

  157. Verslo Valdymo Sistemos says:


    OMG, this content is very useful and informative. Thank you.!!!

    Best regards,

    Verslo Valdzmo Sistemos

  158. khushbu says:

    Email me your
    assignments and I will send you back the solutions.

    In addition to solving problems I do projects, papers and essays.

    I offer assistance in the following areas, undergraduate, graduate and post
    graduate levels:


    Accounting concept

    Income statement

    Balance sheet

    Cash-flow statement

    Accounts receivable, Note receivable


    Fixed Assets, Depreciation

    Intangible assets

    Current liability


    Long-term liability

    Common and preferred stock

    Treasury stock

    Cash and dividends

    Financial statement analysis

    Cost accounting, Cost analysis

    Accounting and management decision


    [email protected]

  159. khushbu says:

    Email me your
    assignments and I will send you back the solutions.

    In addition to solving problems I do projects, papers and essays.

    I offer assistance in the following areas, undergraduate, graduate and post
    graduate levels:


    Accounting concept

    Income statement

    Balance sheet

    Cash-flow statement

    Accounts receivable, Note receivable


    Fixed Assets, Depreciation

    Intangible assets

    Current liability


    Long-term liability

    Common and preferred stock

    Treasury stock

    Cash and dividends

    Financial statement analysis

    Cost accounting, Cost analysis

    Accounting and management decision


    [email protected]

  160. khushbu says:

    Do your
    accounting homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework
    solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do
    your accounting homework and accounting assignments email me on
    [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

    Accounting homework

    Accounting assignments

  161. khushbu says:

    Email me your
    assignments and I will send you back the solutions.

    In addition to solving problems I do projects, papers and essays.

    I offer assistance in the following areas, undergraduate, graduate and post
    graduate levels:


    Accounting concept

    Income statement

    Balance sheet

    Cash-flow statement

    Accounts receivable, Note receivable


    Fixed Assets, Depreciation

    Intangible assets

    Current liability


    Long-term liability

    Common and preferred stock

    Treasury stock

    Cash and dividends

    Financial statement analysis

    Cost accounting, Cost analysis

    Accounting and management decision


    [email protected]

  162. khushbu says:

    Do your
    accounting homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework
    solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do
    your accounting homework and accounting assignments email me on
    [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting assignments

  163. khushbu says:

    Email me your
    assignments and I will send you back the solutions.

    In addition to solving problems I do projects, papers and essays.

    I offer assistance in the following areas, undergraduate, graduate and post
    graduate levels:


    Accounting concept

    Income statement

    Balance sheet

    Cash-flow statement

    Accounts receivable, Note receivable


    Fixed Assets, Depreciation

    Intangible assets

    Current liability


    Long-term liability

    Common and preferred stock

    Treasury stock

    Cash and dividends

    Financial statement analysis

    Cost accounting, Cost analysis

    Accounting and management decision


    [email protected]

  164. khushbu says:

    Do your
    accounting homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework
    solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do
    your accounting homework and accounting assignments email me on
    [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting assignments

  165. khushbu says:

    Do your
    accounting homework, accounting assignments with our accounting homework
    solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do
    your accounting homework and accounting assignments email me on
    [email protected]

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    Accounting homework solution

    Accounting homework

    Accounting assignments

  166. khushbu says:

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    solution and accounting tutoring help. Our homework assistance helps you to do
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    [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

    Accounting homework

    Accounting assignments

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    خدمات الخرج
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  170. Sclob Blob says:

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  171. khushbu says:

    Accounting homework help

    Send me your accounting & finance assignments and i will send you back the
    answers. I also help in projects, papers and essays.

    I also help in:-

    Accounting homework help

    Financial management homework help

    Statistics & economics homework help

    Net present value, future value & compounding

    Bonds, stocks, options, derivatives

    Financial accounting homework help

    Managerial accounting assignment solutions

    Ratio analysis & cash flow statement

    Income statement & balance sheet & shares & debentures

    Marginal costing, standard costing & variable costing

    Activity based costing, break even point & cvp analysis

    LIFO, fifo, weighted average & journal entries & trial balance finance
    homework help, accounting homework help, statistics homework help, economics
    homework help, financial management homework, accounting help, accounting,
    balance sheet, income statement, journal entries, present value, break even
    point, variable costing, absorption costing, standard costing, activity based
    costing, marketing homework help, ratio analysis, cash flow statement, cash
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    valuation, capm, project evaluation, capital budgeting, variance, working
    capital management, finance essays, finance projects & word problems,
    financial management

    Please visit once

    Or email me on [email protected]

  172. khushbu says:

    Do your accounting homework, accounting assignments
    with our accounting homework solution and accounting tutoring help. Our
    homework assistance helps you to do your accounting homework and accounting
    assignments email me on [email protected]

    Accounting tutoring help

    Accounting homework solution

    Accounting homework

    Accounting assignments

  173. khushbu says:

    Email me your
    assignments and I will send you back the solutions.

    In addition to solving problems I do projects, papers and essays.

    I offer assistance in the following areas, undergraduate, graduate and post
    graduate levels:


    Accounting concept

    Income statement

    Accounts receivable, Note receivable


    Fixed Assets, Depreciation

    Intangible assets

    Current liability


    Long-term liability

    Common and preferred stock

    Treasury stock

    Cash and dividends

    Financial statement analysis

    Cost accounting, Cost analysis

    Accounting and management decision


    [email protected]

  174. khushbu says:

    Accounting homework help

    Send me your accounting & finance assignments and i will send you back the
    answers. I also help in projects, papers and essays.

    I also help in:-

    Accounting homework help

    Financial management homework help

    Bonds, stocks, options, derivatives

    Financial accounting homework help

    Managerial accounting assignment solutions

    Ratio analysis & cash flow statement

    Income statement & balance sheet & shares & debentures

    Marginal costing, standard costing & variable costing

    Activity based costing, break even point & cvp analysis

    LIFO, fifo, weighted average & journal entries & trial balance finance
    homework help, accounting homework help, statistics homework help, economics
    homework help, financial management homework, accounting help, accounting,
    balance sheet, income statement, journal entries, present value, break even
    point, variable costing, absorption costing, standard costing, activity based
    costing, marketing homework help, ratio analysis, cash flow statement, cash
    budget, sales budget, LIFO FIFO, weighted average, wacc, macrs, bonds
    valuation, capm, project evaluation, capital budgeting, variance, working
    capital management, finance essays, finance projects & word problems,
    financial management

    Please visit once

    Or email me on [email protected]

  175. khushbu says:

    Accounting homework help

    Send me your accounting & finance assignments and i will send you back the
    answers. I also help in projects, papers and essays.

    I also help in:-

    Accounting homework help

    Financial management homework help

    Statistics & economics homework help

    Net present value, future value & compounding

    Bonds, stocks, options, derivatives

    Financial accounting homework help

    Managerial accounting assignment solutions

    Ratio analysis & cash flow statement

    Income statement & balance sheet & shares & debentures

    Marginal costing, standard costing & variable costing

    Activity based costing, break even point & cvp analysis

    LIFO, fifo, weighted average & journal entries & trial balance finance
    homework help, accounting homework help, statistics homework help, economics
    homework help, financial management homework, accounting help, accounting,
    balance sheet, income statement, journal entries, present value, break even
    point, variable costing, absorption costing, standard costing, activity based
    costing, marketing homework help, ratio analysis, cash flow statement, cash
    budget, sales budget, LIFO FIFO, weighted average, wacc, macrs, bonds
    valuation, capm, project evaluation, capital budgeting, variance, working
    capital management, finance essays, finance projects & word problems,
    financial management

    Please visit once

    Or email me on [email protected]

  176. قطب الصاوي says:


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