Free Hand-Drawn Social Media Icons

You may have noticed that I created a new layout for my blog. I think it turned out quite well, if I may say so myself. And, fortunately, several friends on Twitter agreed with me. In fact, some people think my hand-drawn social media icons are so cool, that they blatantly told me about their intentions of stealing them. The nerve!

But I can’t blame them. Because this free icon set is actually (probably) the only one that has icons for SlideShare and TripIt. Which is quite handy for people like me, who get to speak and travel a lot.

digg-85 email-85 facebook-85 flickr-85
friendfeed-85 google-85 linkedin-85 reddit-85 rss-85
slideshare-85 stumbleupon-85 technorati-85 tripit-85 twitter-85
yahoo-85 youtube-85      

So, OK. But if you’re going to steal them, do it properly!

Here is a zip-file containing all icons (240kB), in various sizes:

  • original (650×540) = BIG!
  • normal (85×72) = like on this blog on the left
  • small (32×27) = like in the footer of this post

Note that the icons are meant for white backgrounds. If you need transparent versions, you will have to modify them yourself.

Finally, feel free to use these icons in any way that you want. But I would appreciate a link back somewhere to this post. Thanks for the link juice!

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